I am a Service Provider, how can VjobReady help me support clients on their Journey 2 Employment?
VjobReady is a virtual reality training module that provides a scalable learning experience for job seekers with longer learning curves, those with hands-on learning styles and youth/job seekers with disabilities and barriers to employment.
VjobReady is a trialed, research-based, training tool originally designed for career exploration and transferable skill development to support the journey2employment for job seekers who are neurodiverse. VjobReady is a safe, comfortable, mobile and customizable virtual realitytraining experience that is less costly than real-world training.
Service providers who have adopted VjobReady across their suite of programs note added benefits that include the opportunity :
– to assess job readiness
– to evaluate soft and hard skills
– to identify anticipated levels of support for job placement
– for individuals to build the self-confidence to enter/re-enter the workforce.
If you are working with a job seeker who is unfamiliar with work expectations, who have no, or limited, work experience or is anxious to enter/re-enter the workforce, you will find that VjobReady will be a valuable resource for the job seeker, practitioner, job developer and prospective employers. Service providers and participants report an increase in job readiness, skills, independence, and confidence. Job seekers routinely comment on feeling safe in the virtual learning environment and have overcome their fears of performing duties like operating a POS (point of sale cash register). Job Developers appreciate the ability to reference demonstrated job readiness and right fit placement with prospective employers. Employers report that VjobReady is a valuable pre-employment training tool that facilitates employment readiness and saves time/cost in onboarding. Stats demonstrate high retention rates in these right-fit job placements.
Service Providers have seen benefits from VjobReady sessions for job seekers who struggle with transferring classroom-based learning to real-world application benefit from hands-on learning experience a longer learning curve are anxious about entering/re-entering the workforce.
In a VjobReady session the job seeker works through a series of job duties in a simulated work environment with the support and guidance of their employment practitioner or job coach. The coach becomes the VR training facilitator who can control features and functions in the session to support the learning style and learning curve of the job seeker. The job seeker works through three performance levels beginning with an errorless learning level followed by increasingly more complex tasks and more stressful job demands. The VR facility can focus sessions on one task or component if an individual requires additional practice to build skill or confidence. Telemetry data, automatically captured during each session, helps to confirm the job seeker’s progress and skills development. Progress has been observed in initial sessions; individuals typically progress through the 3 learning levels in just 3 VR sessions.
We invite you to book a demo today through our VjobReady team, to learn more about how VjobReady can assist you with skill evaluation and training, support your clients along their employment journey and assist employers with recruitment, onboarding, and retention.