613-342-5775  89 Hubbell Street , Brockville, K6V 4K6, Ontario CANADA



Training that’s out of this world!

VjobReady has harnessed the power of virtual reality to create job readiness training that is simply out of this world!

Introducing VjobReady, an innovative adaptive training module that leverages virtual reality to help job seekers explore the world of work, develop transferable skills, and enhance job readiness. With VjobReady, users can immerse themselves in a simulated environment that mimics real-world job tasks, all in a comfortable and safe setting. This approach allows for learning at their own pace, supported by a job coach who facilitates their learning sessions.

VjobReady provides a scalable hands-on learning experience in a safe simulated environment, supporting longer learning curves. Job seekers are observed and supported in completing tasks, learning transferable skills, and developing efficient work habits. Practitioners and facilitators report benefits in career exploration, assessing employment readiness, and providing skills development training in a low-stress environment. Career practitioners have embraced the adaptable experiences across their suites of programs and services, making VjobReady a valuable tool for job readiness training.

For more information and a demo contact Ryan at [email protected] (613) 699-5696

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