VjobReady the Evidence-Based Benefits

VR and VjobReady have been trialed and researched by Supported Employment Service Providers who work with job seekers experiencing disability and barriers to employment. Two research reports, supported by qualitative and quantitative data, provide empirical evidence that demonstrates the benefits of VjobReady training modules to support job seekers with barriers to employment progress along their Journey 2 Employment.
VjobReady builds on our original VR prototype training module and 2019 Queens University Feasibility Study that found VR to be a feasible training tool for neurodiverse, neurotypical and newcomer populations. In 2021, with Skills Development Funding through the Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Skills Development for a VjobReady Project, our hospitality training module Careers Café was built. Partnering with 3 Supported Employment Service Providers across the province of Ontario, 156 participants trialed VjobReady, 47 participants received VjobReady skills training and 29 individuals were placed in 32 jobs. The 12-month retention rates for employed project participants have achieved an impressive 80% retention rate. The module responds to labour force demand, and enhances employment programs and employment outcomes. The associated 2021 VjobReady Case Study Research Report commissioned in partnership with ODEN, outlines the many benefits and feedback from participating Job Seekers, Service providers and Employers.
Research Report highlights:
- VjobReady achieved its intended outcomes as well as revealed additional unexpected benefits of VR technology.
- VjobReady is a useful tool for anyone facing barriers to employment as well as the employment service practitioner who supports them.
- Project results suggest that when an innovative approach to training and job readiness is an offer, job seekers are inclined to pursue the opportunity.
- 47% of job seekers who were reluctant to enter/re-enter the labour force were engaged/re-engaged.
- 85% of participants indicated increased confidence.
- Employers reported they appreciate the “saved time & onboarding costs”.
- Job seekers felt safe and comfortable.
- Functional, ease of use and affordable.
- VR can help to level the playing field and create new equity and inclusion opportunities for vulnerable, marginalized, and underserved individuals.
Click the research links above to read first hand feedback from job seekers, service providers and employers.
For more information or a demo we invite you to contact Ryan, {[email protected] 613-699-5696}
The commissioned 2021 ODEN Case Study Research of Careers Café concluded that:
“VjobReady is a promising contribution” to “level the playing field and create new equity and inclusion opportunities for vulnerable, marginalized and underserved individuals”. “VjobReady is a useful tool for anyone facing barrier to employment as well as the employment service practitioners who support them.”
Research Report: Virtual Reality and Employment Services A Case Study
Haley Gienow-McConnell, PHD